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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

wasting adj. qui gaspille; dévastate...
wasting asset gaspillage de biens, amaigri...
wastrel n. vaurien/vaurienne; bon /b...
watch n. montre; garde, veille, gu...
watch and ward éveil permanent
watch band bracelet de montre
watch cap cagoule (bonnet qui couvre l...
watch chain chaînette de montre
watch fire feu donné comme signal
watch glass verre de montre, petit instr...
watch guard la bande de surveillance, la...
watch his step faire attention
watch night office de minuit (à la veill...
watch out faire attention, être pruden...
watch out for prendre soin, faire attentio...
watch over garder, protéger, contrôler
watch pocket n. gousset, petite poche d'u...
watch television regarder la télévision
watch tower tour de surveillance, tour d...
watch-glass verre de montre
watchband n. bracelet de montre
watchdog n. chien de garde
watched his step est prudent
watched his tongue a surveillé son langage
watched tv il a regardé la télévision
watcher n. observateur, qui regarde
watchful adj. attentif, vif, alerte; ...
watchfully adv. attentivement, avec vig...
watchfulness n. alerte; éveil; prudence
watchglass n. verre de montre, petit in...
watching n. observation, considératio...
watchmaker n. horloger
watchmaking n. horlogerie
watchman n. gardien; sentinelle
watchtower n. tour de contrôle
watchwoman n. gardienne
watchword n. mot de passe
water n. eau; liquide; niveau de l...
water agreement un accord sur les sources d'...
water and sewage department département de l'eau et du s...
water bed matelas d'eau
water bird oiseau marin
water biscuit n. craquelin
water bottle une gourde
water buffalo buffle d'eau
water cannon n. canon à eau
water carrier n. verseau, onzième signe du...
water cart n. voiture de marchand d'eau...
water chlorination javellisation (addition de c...
water clock montre à eau (appareil pour ...
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