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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

had no answer n'avait pas de réponse, étai...
had no choice n'avait pas le choix
had no clue n'en avait pas la moindre id...
had no complaints il n'avait pas à se plaindre
had no descendants n'a pas eu de descendance
had no doubt n'avait pas de doute
had no excuse n'avait pas d'excuse, n'avai...
had no hope of salvation il a perdu tout espoir=
had no more strength il n'a plus la force=
had no time n'avait pas le temps
had no way of knowing il ne pouvait pas savoir
had nothing to do tournait sans rien faire
had nothing to lose il n'avait rien à perdre
had rather préférer que
had repercussions a eu des répercussions
had reservations il a émis des réserves
had scruples il a eu des remords (pas la ...
had sex a eu des relations sexuelles...
had sex with him a eu des rapports sexuels av...
had some business to attend to il avait des histoires=
had sooner il était préférable de, c'ét...
had stool faire ses besoins
had the benefit of the doubt il bénéficie du doute=
had the best of both worlds il profite des deux mondes=
had the courage a eu le courage
had the fire under control il a pris le contrôle du feu...
had the guts a eu le courage
had the shivers avait la tremblote, tremblai...
had the situation under control il a la situation en main=
had the time of his life il a eu la belle vie=
had to a été contraint, a été forcé...
hadar n. hadar, nom de famille; pr...
hadash party le parti hadash
hadassah n. hadassah, prénom féminin;...
hadassah women les femmes de hadassah
haddock n. églefin
hade v. incliner par rapport à la...
hadera n. hadera, ville d'israël
hades n. hadès, dieu des enfers, f...
hadji n. hadji, musulman qui a fai...
hadrian n. adrien ou hadrien, (76-13...
hadron n. hadron, particule à inter...
hadst v. forme archaïque du verbe ...
haem pref. hémo-, préfixe grec si...
haematic adj. hématique, d'origine sa...
haematinic adj. hématique, d'origine sa...
haematite n. hématite, minéral formé d...
haematocyte n. hématie, érythrocyte; glo...
haematologist n. hématologue, spécialiste
haematology n. hématologie
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