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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

habsburg n. habsburg, dynastie allema...
hacek n. point diacritique (cironf...
hacendado n. propriétaire d'un haciend...
hachsharat hayishuv la formation de la colonie, ...
hacienda n. hacienda (ferme ou villa ...
haciendado n. propriétaire d'un haciend...
hack n. coup; taillade, entaillad...
hackamore n. espèce de rêne (pour les ...
hackberry n. bigarreau (genre de baie ...
hackbut n. arquebuse, ancienne arme ...
hacker n. pirate des réseaux, crack...
hackery n. piraterie informatique, e...
hacking n. passion pour les ordinate...
hacking cough toux sèche
hackle n. plume du couv. appâter
hackler n. peignant; balayant; hacha...
hackly adj. haché
hackman n. chauffeur; cocher, conduc...
hackney n. cheval de louage
hackney carriage taxi (anglais)
hackneyed adj. banal; commun; rebattu
hackneyed expressions locutions banales, expressio...
hackneyed phrase formule stéréotypée, cliché;...
hackneyed phrases formules stéréotypées, clich...
hacksaw n. scie à métaux
hackwork n. travail routinier
had a bad experience a eu une mauvaise expérience
had a bad reputation a eu une mauvaise réputation
had a bad time n' a pas eu du bon temps
had a chat avoir une discussion, bavard...
had a child a enfanté, a eu un enfant
had a cold s'est enrhumé, a eu froid
had a curettage a fait un curetage (a eu une...
had a difficult birth a eu un accouchement diffici...
had a face as long as a fiddle il a fait une sale tête=
had a feast ont fêté, ont fait un festin
had a feeling avait le sentiment, a ressen...
had a fever a eu de la fièvre
had a firsthand experience with sa première expérience=
had a fit est entré en transe, est dev...
had a good time il a pris du bon temps, il a...
had a great success a eu un grand succès, a réus...
had a great time il a pris du bon temps, il s...
had a hand in avait une main dans, avait u...
had a hand in it il était dans le coup=
had a hard time a souffert
had a headache a eu un mal de tête
had a heart attack a passé une crise cardiaque,...
had a hitch a eu un contretemps, a eu un...
had a hunch a eu le pressentiment
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