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French translation for "abed"

n. abed, prénom masculin (arabe)
adv. alité
Example Sentences:
1.On the NBC comedy Community, the characters Troy and Abed are fans of the show.
Dans la série Community, les personnages de Troy et de Abed sont des fans de Firefly.
2.Soon after, Bangladesh's own struggle for independence from Pakistan began and circumstances forced Abed to leave the country.
Peu après, la lutte du Bangladesh pour se séparer du Pakistan força Abed à quitter le pays.
3.His need for diversity in modes of expression led Belthoise to meet the Syrian singer-songwriter Abed Azrie.
Son besoin de diversité dans les modes d’expression amène Bruno Belthoise à rencontrer le chanteur-compositeur syrien Abed Azrié.
4.Yasser Abed Rabbo started his political career in the Arab Nationalist Movement (ANM), a pan-Arabist organization.
Yasser Abd Rabbo commence sa carrière politique en adhérant au Mouvement nationaliste arabe, un mouvement panarabe, socialiste et nationaliste.
5.With that in mind, Abed joined the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in London, completing his professional education in 1962.
Abed joignit donc la Chartered Institute of Management Accountants à Londres, pour compléter sa formation, en 1962.
6.Abed returned to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) to join Shell Oil Company and quickly rose to head its finance division.
Abed revint au Pakistan oriental (actuel Bangladesh) pour rejoindre la compagnie pétrolière Shell et y deviendra directeur de la section finance.
7.She walked at Alta Roma Alta Moda for high fashion designers such as Gattinoni, Abed Mahfouz, Jamal Taslaq, Nino Lettieri.
Elle a défilé à Alta Roma Alta Moda pour des concepteurs de mode haute couture tels que Gattinoni, Abed Mahfouz, Jamal Taslaq, Nino Lettieri.
8.Danny Pudi as Abed Nadir, a film student of Palestinian and Polish descent, with an encyclopedic knowledge of TV shows and movies.
Abed Nadir est un étudiant d'origine polonaise et palestinienne obsédé par la culture populaire, dont les connaissances en cinéma et télévision sont encyclopédiques.
9.According to Human Rights First, the interrogation that led to the death of Iraqi Major General Abed Hamed Mowhoush involved the use of techniques used in SERE training.
Selon l'ONG Human Rights First, l’interrogatoire qui provoqua la mort du général irakien Abed Hamed Mowhoush (en) impliquait des techniques de SERE.
10.The geneva initiative promoted by yossi beilin and yasser abed rabo is a welcome indication that rational discussion between senior people on both sides is possible.
l’initiative de genève encouragée par yossi beilin et yasser abed rabo constitue un signe encourageant montrant qu’il est possible qu’une discussion rationnelle s’engage entre des responsables des deux parties.
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