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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

acculturation n. renforcement d'une cultur...
acculturational adj. d'une civilisation étra...
acculturative adj. acculturant
acculturize v. acculturer, adopter une c...
acculturized adj. acculturisé, qui adopte...
accumulable adj. cumulable
accumulate v. accumuler; cumuler; s'acc...
accumulated dust accumulation de poussière
accumulated surplus excédent accumulé (en économ...
accumulation n. accumulation; cumul
accumulation of liquid accumulation de liquides
accumulative adj. cumulatif, cumulé
accumulative judgment jugement accumulatif (en dro...
accumulatively adv. de façon cumulée
accumulativeness n. cumul; accumulation
accumulator n. accumulateur, dispositif ...
accuracy n. exactitude, ponctualité
accurate adj. exact, juste, précis
accurate accounting tenue de compte précis ou ex...
accurate description description précise
accurate estimate évaluation précise
accurately adv. exactement, fidèlement
accurateness n. exactitude, précision
accursed adj. maudit, abimé
accursedly adv. de manière exécrable
accursedness n. malédiction; fait d'être ...
accurst adj. maudit
accusable adj. etre accusé, inculpé; p...
accusal n. accusation
accusant n. accusateur
accusation n. accusation
accusative n. accusateuradj. d'accusati...
accusative case complément d'objet direct (c...
accusatively adv. le doigt accusateur; à ...
accusativeness n. cas accusatif (grammaire)...
accusatorial adj. accusatoire
accusatorially adv. d'un doigt accusateur; ...
accusatory adj. accusateur, inculpé
accuse v. accuser
accuse falsely accuser faussement, incrimin...
accuse of callousness accuser avec dureté, accuser...
accused n. accusé, coupable (personn...
accused of manslaughter accusé d'homicide
accused of murder accusé de meurtre
accuser n. accusateur
accusingly adv. de manière accusatrice;...
accustom v. accoutumer, habituer
accustomed adj. familier avec; adapté à...
accustomed to habituer à, accoutumer à
ace n. expert; champion, as (dan...
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