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Chinese translation for "航海学院"

institute of navigation
marine college

Related Translations:
航海学:  general navigationseafaringshinavigation
航海学员:  cadet officer
航海学会航海学会航海学会:  institute of navigation
航海学校:  marine schoolnavigation school
航海学会航海学院:  institute of navigation
航海学会:  institute of navigation
航海学系:  deptof navigationn
中国航海学会:  china navigation societychinese institute of navigationchinese navigation society
航海学校协会:  association of navigation schools
英国航海学会:  royal institute of navigation
Example Sentences:
1.I employed nearly six months to complete this system . during the period , i got timely support from teachers of information & technology college , research centre and navigation college , and employees of guangzhou ocean ship company
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