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Chinese translation for "xylophone"

Example Sentences:
1.Play - the sound of xylophone
2.In indonesia , gamelan orchestras play music on gongs , drums , and xylophones
3.From hong kong , to be accomplished in flute , piccolo , piano , xylophone . music is her all
4.Lorne gets up and finds his xylophone broken , “ oh , damn . ” he curses , which arouses a guffaw
罗恩爬起来第一件事先捡回他的琴: “哦,该死! ”他骂道。
5.The tone color of the xylophone is relatively dry and " wooden " , with little resonance
6.He worked hard to perfect his craft , and before his 20th birthday , he added the tympani , marimba and xylophone to his repertoire
7.The company ' s products are percussion instruments , such as xylophones , aluminum board - xylophones , tambourines , ringing bells , etc
8.The xylophone is similar to the glockenspiel in construction , except that the bars of xylophone are made of rosewood instead of steel
9.Lorne has tried every piece of land this month wishing to find a peaceful place where he can play the xylophone in the moonlight without disturbance
10.Besides the djembe , xylophone , pieces of wood , desk , stone , even human wrists , figure points , vocal cords are also to be used to make their music
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