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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

wishing cap 如愿帽〔据说戴了便能事事如愿〕。
wishy-washy adj.1.(茶等)淡而无味的,(话等)空洞无聊的,没意...
wisp n.1.(稻草等的)小捆,把;(头发等的)束,股。2.(...
wispy adj.(-ier; -iest)1.小捆[小束]状的。...
wist wit2 的过去式和过去分词。
wistaria n.【植物;植物学】紫藤(属)。 Chinese wis...
wister n.威斯特〔姓氏〕。
wisteria n.【植物;植物学】紫藤(属)。 Chinese wis...
wistful adj.1.渴望的,不满足似的。2.沉思的,默想的;愁闷...
wit n.1.智慧;理智,理解。2.〔常 pl.〕机智,才智;...
witan n.〔pl.〕 【英史】(盎格鲁撒克逊时代的)咨议院咨议...
witch n.1.〔英方〕【动物;动物学】灰鲽。2.【数学】箕舌(...
witch ball (悬挂在舞厅天花板上、旋转时反射出雨点般光线的)反光球;...
witch doctor 巫医。
witch grass 【植物;植物学】毛线稷。
witch hazel 【植物;植物学】(北美)金缕梅;金缕梅皮止痛水。
witch moth 【动物;动物学】魔女蛾。
witch- 前缀= wych-.
witch-hunt 1.对巫师的搜捕。2.以莫须有罪名进行的政治迫害。
witchcraft 妖[巫]术;魅力。
witchery n.巫术;魔法,妖术;魔力,魅力,诱惑力。 witche...
witchhunting 1.对巫师的搜捕。2.以莫须有罪名进行的政治迫害。
witching n.施妖[巫]术;妖法;魅力。adj.有魔力的,迷人的,...
wite n.,vt.(wited; witing) 〔苏格兰语〕...
witenagemot n.【英史】(盎格鲁撒克逊时代国王的)咨议院。
with 短语和例子Away with him! 把他带走! Do...
with- comb. f. 向后,往回[返回];对抗,相对: wi...
with-it adj.〔美俚〕打扮入时的;时髦的,赶上潮流的。with...
withal adv.而且,又,加之;同样;同时;然而。〔古语〕用,以...
withdraw vt.(-drew; -drawn )1.缩回(手等)。...
withdrawal n.1.缩回;引退;退出。2.收回。3.撤退,撤兵。4....
withdrawing room 〔古语〕客厅 (= drawing room)。
withdrawn adj.1.孤独的,离群的。2.偏僻的。n.-ness
withdrew withdraw 的过去式。
withe n.(pl. withes ) (捆柴等的)枝条,柳条。...
wither vi.1.凋残,萎谢,枯萎 (up); 衰弱。2.(希望...
withered adj.凋败了的;枯萎的;衰弱的,干瘪的,(手等)尽是皱...
withering adj.1.使枯萎的;毁灭性的;摧毁的。2.(茶叶等)用...
witherite n.【矿物】毒重石。
withers n.威瑟斯〔姓氏〕。
withershins adv.〔苏格兰语〕1.和太阳运行方向相反地,倒过来,反...
withheld withhold 的过去式及过去分词。
withhold vt.(-held )1.压住,制住,抑制。2.不给,扣...
within 短语和例子within doors 在户内,在屋内;向屋...
withindoors adv.在户内 (= indoors)。
without 短语和例子without the gates 在门外。 ...
without-it adj.不时髦的,老式的,守旧的。
withoutdoors adv.〔古语〕在户外 (= outdoors)。
withstand vt.(-stood ) 抵挡;挡住,顶住;反抗;反对;...
withy n.1.【植物;植物学】柳;杞柳。2.柳条;韧枝 (= ...
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