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Chinese translation for "o level"


Related Translations:
o ervers:  观察家
o gabon:  加蓬
o fluminense:  里约热内卢州报
auramine o:  金胺-o
o conveyors:  输送机
o chamna:  奥仲纳
yi o:  二澳
o omedaysincertainweeks:  在某几个星期的某几天里
namibe o:  纳米贝
yam o:  阴奥阴澳湾
Example Sentences:
1.Completed gce o level or above
2.Or 3 gce o level passes in english , mathematics and a science or technical subject
3.Gce o level
4.He has an honour degree in chemistry , to say nothing of various a levels and o levels
5.In secondary school , i studied higher chinese , scored an a2 in the o level exam for the same subject and even recited chinese prose for a competition
升上中学后,我读的是高级华文,并在‘ o ’水准考得a2 ,甚至还参加了散文朗诵比赛。
6.Have obtained at least a grade " c " in general certificate of secondary education ( gcse ) o level mathematics or an equivalent exam or sat for the institute s mathematics placement test
7.A total of 54 subjects and 66 modules of upper secondary mathematics and sciences , available at various levels ranging from primary one to gce o level , benefit about 12 , 000 students with an average of 24 , 000 tuition places offered each year
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