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Chinese translation for "mass society"


Related Translations:
society:  n.1.社会。2.会,社;协会,学会,公会,团体。3.交际,社交;社交界〔特指上流社会〕;社交场所。4.群居,群栖。5. 〔美国〕教区居民。 短语和例子primitive society 原始社会。 class society 阶级社会。 slavery society 奴隶社会。 feudalist society 封建社会。 a charitable society 慈
mass:  n.弥撒;弥撒的仪式[祷告、音乐];弥撒曲。 a high [solemn] Mass (有烧香、奏乐等的)大弥撒。 a low [private] Mass (无烧香、奏乐的)小弥撒。 by the Mass 一定,的确。 say [read] Mass 作弥撒,念经。n.1.块,堆,团。2.群众,集团;〔the masses〕群众;民众。3.大量;大宗;众多;〔the
Example Sentences:
1.The social change of the revolutionary bases and the psychological evolution of the masses society
2.Indeed , the problem of dealing with boredom may be even more difficult for such a future mass society than it was for aristocracies
3.At one time , in the life field of leisure , creating of self - identity may be negated and distorted under pressure and restrictions of the mass society . thus , it may cause alienation
4.Mass culture comes into being when mass society seizes upon cultural objects , and its danger is that the life process of society ( which like all biological processes insatiably draws everything available into the cycle of its metabolism ) will literally consume the cultural objects , eat them up and destroy them
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