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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

mythic adj.神话(式)的;神话时代的;虚构的,非现实的,想像...
mythicism n.神话式的解释;神话说,神话主义。n.-icist 神...
mythicize vt.把…当作神话;使神话化;对…作神话解释。n.-ci...
mytho- comb.f. 神话。
mythographer n.神话作者。
mythography n.(绘画、雕刻等的)神话艺术。
mythologic adj.神话(中)的;神话学(上)的;神话似的,凭空想像...
mythologist n.神话学者;神话作者[编纂者]。
mythologize vt.,vi.1.(把…)当作神话。2.(对…)作神话解...
mythology n.1.神话学。2.〔集合词〕神话;神话集,神话志。短语...
mythopeic adj.神话时代的;创作[产生]神话的。
mythos n.(pl. mythoi ) (一个)神话;〔集合词〕...
mythus n.神话 = myth.
myx- myx(o)-comb.f. 黏液。
myxo- myx(o)-comb.f. 黏液。
myxoedema n.【医学】黏液(性)水肿。
myxoma n.(pl. myxomas, -mata ) 【医学】...
myxomatosis n.1.黏液瘤(菌)的存在。2.多发性黏液瘤,黏液瘤病。
myxomycete n.黏菌。
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