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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

leach n.1.沥滤。2.(采灰汁用的)滤灰,灰汁;滤汁。3.沥...
leachy adj.(土壤)有气孔的;能渗透的。
leacock n.利科克〔姓氏〕。
lead n.1.铅,铅制品。2.【航海】测铅,测深锤,水砣。3....
lead acetate 【化学】醋酸铅;乙酸铅。
lead angle 超前角,导前角。
lead arsenate 【化学】砷酸铅;砷酸气铅。
lead colic 【医学】铅毒疝。
lead glass 铅玻璃。
lead hardening 铅浴淬火。
lead line 【航海】测锤绳。
lead network 超前网络;强制四端网络。
lead number 导数。
lead off 开始,开端;打出的头一拳;先发球者。
lead pencil 铅笔。
lead poisoning 【医学】铅中毒。
lead swinging 〔英俚〕偷懒;逃避工作。
lead tetraethyl 四乙铅 ( = tetraethyl lead )。
lead time (制造业)投产准备阶段。
lead wool [yarn] 【建筑】(接铅管用的)铅毛。
lead work 铅衬;铅制品。
lead works 制铅工厂,铅矿熔炼厂。
lead-covered adj.镀铅的,铅包的。
lead-free adj.无铅的。
lead-in 1.【无线电】引入线〔英国也叫 down-lead〕。2...
lead-pipe 短语和例子[cinch] 〔美俚〕1.轻而易举的事。2....
lead-up 导致物。
leaden adj.1.铅制的,铅质的。2.铅灰色的。3.沉重的,沉...
leaden-eyed 无光的眼睛。
leaden-footed adj.缓慢的,慢条斯理的。
leadenhall n.伦敦肉类市场。
leader n.1.领导(人),领袖,首领,首长。2.乐队指挥;领唱...
leader writer 社论作者;〔英国〕社论委员〔美国叫做 editorial...
leaderette n.(报纸等的)短评;(新闻纪事等前的)编者按语。
leaderless adj.无领袖的,无领导的。
leadermill 精整轧机。
leadership n.1.领导,指导。2.领导人员。3.领导能力,领导权。...
leading n.1.铅制覆盖物。2.空铅,铅条,铅皮。短语和例子th...
leading aircraftman 〔英国〕空军上等兵。
leading article 1.〔英国〕社论。2.【商业】(吸引顾客的)特价品。
leading business 主要角色。
leading case 【法律】典型案件。
leading coefficient 【数学】首项系数。
leading current 【电学】超前电流。
leading edge (飞机翼的)前缘。
leading fossil 【地质学;地理学】标准化石。
leading light (社会团体中)有影响的人物。
leading motive 1.主要动机。2.【音乐】主导主题,主导旋律。
leading note leading note = leading tone.
leading question 【法律】诱导性的提问。
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