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Chinese translation for "k指数"

k index

Related Translations:
k:  短语和例子K, k(pl. Ks, K's; ks, k's )1.英语字母表第十一字母。2.K字形物体[记号]。3.一个序列中的第十一〔若 J 略去则为第十〕。4.【数学】与 Z 轴平行的单位矢量。5.【化学】元素钾(Potassium) 的符号〔由拉丁名 Kalium 而来〕。6.〔K〕【气象学】积云 (cumulus)的符号。7.〔K〕【数学】常数(constant)
k keyword:  关键字
k gibraltar:  直布罗陀
k转换:  k conversionk-conversion
daniel k:  配戴右手钻戒
k value:  k值粘度值
k bentonite:  钾盐班脱土
fibre k:  英国制聚特戊酯纤维纤维
k electron:  k层电子k电子
michael k:  边走边爱别怕我伤心志荣-诉说
Example Sentences:
1.The correlativity between theoretical value and the actual value of soil moisture content in 93 . 3 percent of observational stations is distinct . all this shows that calculational methods of zndx is more reason for studing the flood or drought of northwest chine . ( 2 ) index _ z and index _ k ca n ' t objectively remark extent of drought and flood event . both ca n ' t distinguish the difference of some years which have the same precipitation and have different temperature , awc
西北地区10个代表站三种指数值的对比表明, z指数与k指数仅反映西北地区同期的降水,而zndx指数不仅反映了同期降水状况,且与同期气温及前期气候湿润度有关。 ( 2 )通过z 、 k与zndx指数对西北地区旱涝等级的对比研究表明, z指数与k指数对西北地区旱涝等级的确定不具有客观性。
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