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Chinese translation for "jacaranda"

【植物;植物学】兰花楹属 (Jacaranda) 植物。
Example Sentences:
1.Flame of the forest in full bloom the jacaranda or blue flame tree
2.Jacaranda by the side of residence 4
3.Flame tree and jacaranda
4.Also broadcasting in gauteng , jacaranda offers a mix of adult contemporary music and news
5.There are not many jacaranda trees on campus . a few can be seen outside residence 4 , and the tallest one grows near the train station
6.The jacaranda is an elegant deciduous tree . it resembles and requires similar growing conditions as the flame tree , and it has lavender flowers ; hence it is also known as the blue flame tree
7.Both the flame tree and the jacaranda blossom in late spring and early summer . but the jacaranda has irregular flowering times . flame trees do not blossom in the first eight years , but when they do , the clusters of red flowers are a striking sight
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