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Chinese translation for "fait accompli"


Related Translations:
tout a fait:  〔法语〕完全,全然。
Example Sentences:
1.The settlement of the issue must not be conditional upon the acceptance of fait accompli ..
2.Therefore , the government has not awarded the criii works contract in a hasty manner . neither is it an attempt to create a fait accompli so as to affect the hearing of the judicial review on central reclamation , which was not an issue at the time
3.The chairman of the subcommittee sent a letter to cs conveying the demand of subcommittee members that the executive authorities must not make any irreversible decision or take any decision that would in effect create a fait accompli before the administration has responded in specific terms to the findings and recommendations of the subcommittee and has had thorough exchanges with legco on the way forward for wkcd
Similar Words:
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