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Chinese translation for "boat people"


Related Translations:
boating:  n.划船;乘船(游玩)。 go boating 乘船〔尤指划船〕游玩。
boat:  n.1.小舟,小船,(小)艇,(大船所载)救生艇;帆船,渔船。2.汽轮〔常指小汽轮〕;邮船,大轮船。3.船形物,船行器皿;【化学】舟皿;【宗教】舟形香炉。短语和例子a motor boat 机帆船。 a sailing boat 帆船。 an open boat 无甲板船。 a rowing boat 划艇。 a sauce boat 船形佐料碟。 boat's lengt
boat hoist:  起艇机。
ferry boat:  n.渡船。
tea boat:  〔美俚〕一杯茶。
bolt boat:  适于在波涛汹涌的海上航行的船。
flying boat:  飞船;水上飞机。
sea boat:  1.远洋轮船;能耐波浪的船。2.(大轮船上的)救生艇。
pleasure boat:  游船。
buy boat:  〔美国〕(鱼行等的)买鱼船,收购船。
Example Sentences:
1.Begin advocacy and projects with vietnamese boat people
2.Helping boat people to rebuild their homestead
3.A number of vietnamese boat people staged a protest against repatriation
4.Thousands of boat people were drowned , many of them children
5.Christmas gifts for boat people
6.They erected a shelter for the statue and , as it became more popular , a proper temple building was built with donations from local boat people
7.In the 1980s , we helped save thousands of lives in ethiopia and secured more rights for vietnamese boat people in hong kong
8.They then erected a shelter for it and , as the shrine became popular with the boat people who made donations , a proper temple building was subsequently constructed
9.Moreover , a number of altered travel documents seized in anti - forgery operations , and episodes of vietnamese refugees and boat people in hong kong are also exhibited
10.A news special reveals the hardship faced by some 5 , 000 boat people in aldrich bay , who live in a cramped and unsanitary environment , with no water for either drinking or flushing their waste
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