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Chinese translation for "apparate"

现影术 巫师旅行的方式之一,可以瞬间从一个地方消失,再瞬间出现在另一个地方。

Related Translations:
kienzle apparate:  金茨勒器械有限公司
cornelius apparate:  科尼利厄斯仪器有限公司
rubarth apparate:  鲁巴特设备有限公司
cornelius apparate gmbh:  科尼利厄斯仪器有限公司
elektrotechnische apparate gmbh:  电气技术设备有限公司
kienzle apparate gmbh:  金茨勒器械有限公司
automatik apparate maschinenbau:  自动控制系统和仪器制造有限公司
cordis medizinische apparate:  科迪斯医疗设备有限公司
rubarth apparate gmbh:  鲁巴特设备有限公司
eta elektrotechnische apparate gmbh:  电气技术设备有限公司
Example Sentences:
1.How did the death eaters apparate to voldemort in the graveyard
2.You can ' t create a portkey to somewhere you do not know , you might not even be able to apparate to a place you do not know
3.In march of the coming school year , ron will turn seventeen , and will therefore be of age in the wizarding world and old enough to obtain a license to apparate
4.Wizards certainly had other means of transportation , but most students can ' t apparate and it is implied ( by ron in chamber of secrets ) that many adults cannot or prefer not to apparate with other people
以来巫师界对于泄密的关注越来越密切( 1692年通过了《国际保密法》 )二是因为麻瓜社会人口的膨胀。
5.There seems to be a fairly small number of them , although those who apparate to voldemort ' s side when the dark mark on their arms summons them may be the inner circle of his strongest supporters only
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