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Chinese translation for "anterograde"

前进的, 顺行的

Related Translations:
anterograde impulse:  顺行冲动
anterograde amnesia:  前塑性失忆顺行性遗忘顺行性遗妄远事遗忘
anterograde ameesia:  顺向性遗忘症顺行性遗忘症
anterograde transport:  顺向轴浆运输顺向转运
anterograde degeneration:  顺行变性顺行性变性顺行性跨神经元溃变
anterograde memory:  远事记忆, 顺行性记忆
anterograde pyelography:  顺行肾盂造影
anterograde emission:  顺行发射
anterograde axonal conduction:  轴突顺行传导
anterograde axonal transport:  顺向轴突输送顺向轴突运输
Example Sentences:
1.Patients so afflicted are said to have anterograde amnesia
2.Clinical analysis of anterograde venography of deep vein of lower limb
3.Anterograde axoplasmic transport
4.Accordingly , he has both anterograde and retrograde amnesia : he cannot form new factual memories and he cannot recall old ones
5.Methods 18 male patients with posterior urethral disruption were treated with ureterorenoscopic realignment as primary therapy , of whom 12 were treated with retrograde catheterization , 6 with anterograde catheterization
6.And revolving self - lock nails has two kind choices : anterograde transfixation and retrograde transfixafion , thus it can protect function of shoulder joint in some ways , so revolving self - lock nails is one of the idea choices to treat the fracture of shaft of humerus
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