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English translation for "银行利率"

band rate
bank interest rate
bank rate
interest rates

Related Translations:
指导利率:  cardinal rate
制定利率:  to establish rate of interest
逆利率:  negative interest
粗利率:  flat interest charge
差别利率:  differential interest rate
平衡利率:  equilibrium rate of interest
同期利率:  coterminous rate
利率调整:  adjustment of interest rateinterest rate adjustment
主利率:  ruling rate of interest
过高利率:  exce ive interest rateexcessive interest rate
Example Sentences:
1.The marketization of interest rate in china
2.Low interest rate in the bank encourages citizens to invest in the stock market
3.Interest rates have dropped and there is more liquidity in the stock market
4.Interest rates have dropped and there is more liquidity in the stock market
5.A fall in interest rates is a strong probability in the present economic climate
6.Marx ' s interest theory and general adoption of the market principle of chinese bank rate
7.Impact of the housing mortgage - backed securitization on the risk of the bank interest rate
8.Being fixed - interest , the price varies with ( or to be precise against ) theprevailing rate of interest
9.Stand by , in other words , for another increase in interest rates at the bank ' s next rate - setting meeting on october 5th
10.Yet after that , he surprised everyone when the central bank raised interest rates only once until june of nineteen ninety - nine
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