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English translation for "金融票据"

finance bills
financial bill
financial document
monetary instrument
office paper

Related Translations:
撤回的应付票据:  bill payable retired
金融创新:  financial innovation
金融消息:  fjamalatidindi
消费金融:  consumer finance
金融投机性:  the characteristic of monetary speculation
金融区:  financial district
金融服务:  financial services
金融业务:  consumer bankingfinancial transactionfinancing
金融结构:  financial structure
金融天地:  finance board
Example Sentences:
1.Hong kong dollar financial instrument
2.Constitution of the crime of fraud in financial bill and taking precautions against it
3.The procedure of inputting is not only slow but also easy to make wrong
4.But how to input important information into computer is still a different technical problem
5.One trillion us dollars is of course a huge number and there are many foreign assets that it can buy , apart from the usual liquid financial obligations issued by the developed countries in their currencies
6.Police officers in our ccb have to undergo comprehensive training in commercial investigations , financial and banking systems , financial instruments , fundamental accounting principles , and the operations of the securities markets
7.Some market participants may be involved in the goods market , conducting international transactions for the purchase or sale of merchandise . some may be engaged in direct investment in plant and equipment , or may be in the money market , trading short - term debt instruments internationally
8.The commercial form processing system does be constructed to satisfy the need of bank system . the commercial form processing system uses computers and other equipment to facilitate inputting date , and constitute the date base to manage the date
9.This paper consists of three parts . in part one , the concept and categories of instruments offence have been discussed ; in part two , the structures of instruments offence have been listed ; in part three , measures have been raised concerning how to attack and prevent instruments offence or crimes in relation to instruments offence . in part one of this paper , the author has firstly defined the concept of instruments offence from the jurisdiction of crime and the nature of instruments offence : instruments offence refers to the activities that violate relevant provisions of instrument law take the illegal ownership make
结合理论知识,本文还讨论了在实务中常见的疑难问题,如对使用伪造、变造的金融票据、使用作废的金融票据中“使用’ ’的理解;在票据的背书栏伪造、变造记载内容的定性;将伪造、变造的票据质押后骗取财物的行为定性;倒卖伪造、变造的票据行为定性;非法“补记”空白支票行为的定性;在空白票据上偷盖印章的行为定性;行为人伪造、变造票据后,将其提供给他人使用行为的定性以及金融机构内部工作人员参与票据诈骗的行为定性等。
Similar Words:
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