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English translation for "远亲不如近邻"

an afar off relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor.; a distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor.; a near neighbor is better than a distant cousin.; a neighbor that is near is better than a brother far off.; the neighbors to whom we bid good day are better than kinsfolk far away

Related Translations:
远亲:  distant relative; remote kinsfolk 短语和例子在这个小镇上我有一个远亲。 i have a distant relative in this small town
远亲配对:  distantly related pair
远亲的:  remote
远亲近邻:  distant relatives and next-door neighbors
男性远亲:  remote kinsman
远亲生物:  outbreeding organism
远亲后代:  outbred
远亲表兄妹:  distant cousin relationship
远亲不如近友:  a near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman
隔了好几代的远亲:  cousin several times removed
Example Sentences:
1.A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbour .
2.A tall young woman who called herself miss li beckoned me with encouraging words to face my new classmates
所谓"远亲不如近邻" ,我常希望找个机会和您沟通。
3.The street - space provides more chance for people to communicate with each other , which indicates that people have more interest in the activities of each other
所谓“远亲不如近邻” ,街巷这样?种城市空间给邻里交往提供了极大的可能性。事实表明,人们对街道本身形形色色的人的活动有更大的兴趣。
4.If fellow residents know one another well , there will be more mutual help and understanding among them , and many problems can be averted . the comfort of home will expand into the neighbourhood when you meet acquaintances everywhere around where you live
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