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English translation for "远东"

[ yuǎndōng ] 
the far east
◇远东广播公司 far east broadcasting company

Related Translations:
远东司:  far eastern department
远东时间:  far east time
远东共和国:  far eastern republic
远东公会:  far east conference
远东公司:  far east co
远东购物中心:  far east shopping centre
近东远东新闻:  near and far east news
远东桥牌联合会:  far east bridge federationfareastbridgefederation
远东交易所有限公司:  far east exchang ltd
加拿大远东通讯:  canadian far eastern newsletter thecanadian far eastern newsletter, the
Example Sentences:
1.They maintain a very powerful fleet in oriental waters .
2.A strong continuity of tradition and custom had guided the redoubtable islanders of the far east across the centuries .
3.The chief threat to the far east in the late 1890's and early 1900's was russian expansion into manchuria and korea .
4.In far east the old balance of power was upset by the rise of japan and russia's determination to control korea and manchuria .
5.It would be represented as a corrupt bargain completed in europe at the expense of interests in the far east in which america was intimately concerned .
6.We have a very large market share in the far east
7.Cafea commission of asian and far eastern affairs
8.Sida far eastern cyber technology ningbo co . , ltd
9.Russian far east agriculture in the transitional period
10.Yuandong machinery tool accessories products co . , ltd
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