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English translation for "进退出没"

withdraw attack or take cover sense of propriety

Related Translations:
进退:  1.(进和退) advance and retreat 短语和例子进退出没 withdraw attack or take cover2.(分寸) sense of propriety 短语和例子不知进退 have no sense of propriety
进退机构:  driving and reversing mechanism
进退装置:  driving and reversing mechanism
海面进退:  eustasyeustatism
进退自如:  proceed or step back freely; be free to advance or retreat; have room for manoeuvre
应对进退:  savoir-faire
进退函数:  further function
出没:  appear and disappear; come and go; haunt 短语和例子川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。 the wanglang preserve in western sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. 据说那座老宅子有鬼魂出没。 people say ghosts haunt that old
刀架进退时间:  machine handling time
进退标准函数:  further standard function
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