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English translation for "进程通信"

interprocess communication

Related Translations:
代理进程:  agent process
职业进程:  test the career ladder
操作系统进程:  operating system processspid
进程产生:  process creation
加速进程:  expedite proceedings
全进程:  full process
进程外:  oopout-of-process
进程管理:  management of processesprocess managementprocess manager
进程关联:  process context
进程内:  in-process
Example Sentences:
1.The client then uses that ior to communicate directly with the server process
2.Realization of inter - process communication of computer interlocking system in linux platform
3.A stream is an abstraction of a sequence of bytes , such as a file , an input output device , an inter - process communication pipe , or a tcp ip socket
流是字节序列的抽象概念,例如文件、输入/输出设备、内部进程通信管道或者tcp / ip套接字。
4.Based on the implementation of the channel , process communication can be more convenient and safer , and provide better real - time capabilities of java
5.This paper mainly gives an introduction of the design and implementation of the four central modules ( including process scheduling , process communications , timer
6.The multitask comes true through process : the multitask ’ s controlment realizes by the controlment of its threads , the threads communicate with the master process
7.The parent must prepare two sets of file descriptors for communicating with the child process - one pair for reading data from the stunnel process , the other for sending data over the network
8.Workflow tasks communicate with other processes to run packages or programs , send and receive messages between packages , send e - mail messages , read windows management instrumentation data , or watch for wmi events
工作流任务与其他进程通信以运行包或程序,在包之间发送和接收消息,发送电子邮件,读取windows management instrumentation ( wmi )数据或监视wmi事件。
9.The tasks that communicate with other processes to run packages , run programs or batch files , send and receive messages between packages , send e - mail messages , read windows management instrumentation data , and watch for wmi events
工作流任务与其他进程通信以运行包、程序或批处理文件,在包之间发送和接收消息,发送电子邮件,读取windows management instrumentation ( wmi )数据和监视wmi事件。
10.The paper firstly studies some basic concepts such as task distributing , remote calling , loading balance , processing synchronization and communication , distributed computing system model and parallel executing time connected to distributed parallel computing system
本文首先讨论了在分布式系统中所涉及的任务分配、远程调用、负载平衡、进程同步与进程通信以及分布式计算的系统模型等,并探讨了并行计算中的一个重要的性能? ?并行执行时间。
Similar Words:
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