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English translation for "贴现票据"

bill discounted
bills discounted
discount notes
discount on check
discount paper
discounted notes
note on discount
notes on discount

Related Translations:
转贴现:  interbank discountinterbankdiscountintermediate target
贴现收买:  discount
贴现期票:  discount a billdiscounted bill
重贴现:  rediscount
贴现信贷:  discount credit
在贴现:  rediscounting
贴现融资:  discount credit
贴现期:  discount period
贴现技术:  discount techniquediscounting technique
支票贴现:  discount of bill
Example Sentences:
1.Bills discounted daily list
2.Bills rediscounted account
3.In case of bill purchase / discount , exposure per drawee generally should not exceed 35 % of the sanctioned fbp limit
如果是押汇贴现票据,每个受票人的敞口通常不应超过批准的出口押汇限额的35 % 。
4.The hk 1 , 000 million hkmc bills issue is the fifth discount bills to be issued under the hk 20 billion hkmc note issuance programme in which the hkma acts as the arranger , custodian , agent and operator
5.The hk 1 , 000 million hkmc bills issue is the sixth discount bills to be issued under the hk 20 billion hkmc note issuance programme in which the hkma acts as the arranger , custodian , agent and operator
6.The hk 1 , 000 million hkmc bills issue is the eighth discount bills to be issued under the hk 20 billion hkmc note issuance programme in which the hkma acts as the arranger , custodian , agent and operator
7.The main aim of the refinements was to correct significant distortions arising out of an accounting practice of including interest earned on discount paper mainly us treasury bills in revaluation gains or losses
8.The hk 1 , 000 million hkmc bills issue is the third discount bills to be issued under the hk 20 billion hkmc note issuance programme in which the hkma acts as the arranger , custodian , agent and operator
9.The hk 1 , 000 million hkmc bills issue is the fourth discount bills to be issued under the hk 20 billion hkmc note issuance programme in which the hkma acts as the arranger , custodian , agent and operator
10.The hk 1 , 000 million hkmc bills issue is the seventh discount bills to be issued under the hk 20 billion hkmc note issuance programme in which the hkma acts as the arranger , custodian , agent and operator
Similar Words:
"贴现率提高" English translation, "贴现率折扣率" English translation, "贴现率折现率" English translation, "贴现率政策" English translation, "贴现票经纪人" English translation, "贴现票据 已贴现票据" English translation, "贴现票据, 票据贴票" English translation, "贴现票据,银行票据" English translation, "贴现票据和买汇" English translation, "贴现票据及汇票" English translation