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English translation for "设计艺术学"

art of design
artistic design

Related Translations:
艺术:  1.(文艺) art 短语和例子艺术至上主义 art for art's sake; 以艺术为职业 follow art as a profession2.(富有创造性的方法) skill; art; craft 短语和例子领导艺术 art of leadership3.(形状独特而美观的) conforming to good taste 短语和例子这座建筑装饰得很艺术。
艺术之艺术:  arsatium
Example Sentences:
1.Exploration of a cultivation mode for master ' s education of art design
2.The author thinks that the development of art of design should be combined with marketing science
3.Yet the pity is that the design of art , as a scientific subject , lags far behind of economic research , and still holds the idea of " design for art ' s sake " , which is a concept of blur design of art
遗憾的是设计艺术学对于经济化研究严重滞后,还一直为“艺术而设计” ,这是一种模糊设计艺术学的概念。
4.This article analyzed the necessity and feasibility of the reform of basic experimental courses for designing arts , and put forward a new mode of fostering innovative brains through the courses
5.Human and machine interface is the bridge for communication between human and machine . it is an intersectional research region , which includes hardware and software
6.Digital animation also calls the computer animation , it is brand - new animation domain , it is art learns , design art learns and art of movie and tv learns and the height of technology of computer logo image is united in wedlock
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