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English translation for "设计意图"

design idea

Related Translations:
目标意图:  target view
画意图:  sketch
意图模型:  belief-desire-intention model, bdi model
战略意图:  signaling strategic intentstrategic intent
破产意图:  contemplation of bankruptcy
处理意图:  processing intent
意图用于:  intended for use in
表示意图:  hoist pennants
杀人意图:  a view to a kill
意图错误:  intentional error
Example Sentences:
1.Are clearer about data types and design intent
2.Listen to the tape , students read after the tape and do the actions
3.Play the tape . students listen to the example and practice in pairs
4.The design of the progress clause reflects something about the constitution ' s design in general
5.Say the animals are very cute . ask students : do you like them ? 点题 : we love animals
设计意图:通过此课的学习,培养学生爱护小动物的意识。 )
6.Wep was only designed to provide a level of privacy equivalent to a traditional wired network
7.A new library , the c support library , is designed to simplify programs that target the clr
新增的库是c + +支持库,其设计意图在于简化面向clr的程序。
8.The common side of student body sings to read the side to do the action
设计意图:四人为一个小组的活动进行必要的操练,为后面的活动作好知识的铺垫。 )
9.Let the students design questions according to the text and answer the question in pairs
10.Students try to make up their own dialog , and act it out with their partners
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