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English translation for "规划安排"

lay 1

Related Translations:
宪制安排:  constitutional arrangement
安排泊位:  allocation of berths
安排角色:  arrangement
停火安排:  cease-fire arrangements
视图安排:  view arangement
套汇安排:  hedging arrangement
上市安排:  listing arrangement
安排行:  arranger
寄存器安排:  register arrangement
借用安排:  borrow
Example Sentences:
1.It is easy to find your way about in new york, it is laid out so regularly .
2.Fifth , there will be changes in how we order our societies in terms of transport infrastructure and urban planning to reflect the end of cheap oil
3.Under the wmo marine climatological summaries scheme , weather observations recorded by hong kong voluntary observing ships are quality checked by the observatory and then exchanged among members under the coordination of the global collecting centres in the united kingdom and germany
4.Under the wmo marine climatological summaries scheme , weather observations recorded by hong kong voluntary observing ships are quality checked by the observatory and then exchanged among members under the coordination of the global collecting centres in the united kingdom and germany
Similar Words:
"规划,计划化" English translation, "规划;程序设计,程序编制" English translation, "规划;分布情况" English translation, "规划;拟定大纲;划分地区;画略图" English translation, "规划;设计方案,编制程序;程序设计" English translation, "规划编程" English translation, "规划变通性" English translation, "规划标准" English translation, "规划表示" English translation, "规划布置阶段" English translation