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English translation for "表示不愿意"


Related Translations:
不愿错过:  i don’t want to miss a thing
不愿错失:  i don't want to miss a thing
不愿花钱:  penny pinching
不愿孤寂:  nobody wants to be lonely
而不愿:  had/would rather…than
不愿失去:  i don't want to miss a thing
不愿付钱:  unwilling to pay
不愿说的:  unspeakable
不愿面对现实:  were unwilling to face reality
侗而不愿:  ignorant but not simple
Example Sentences:
1.However , a new survey by the beijing administrative institute shows 52 percent of those now - grown - up single children , who are allowed two offspring , do not want a second child
然而,最近由北京行政学院进行的一项调查显示那些已经到了生育年龄的独生子女中有52 %的人表示不愿意要第二个孩子。
2.However , a new survey by the beijing administrative institute shows 52 percent of those now - grown - up single children , who are allowed two offspring , do not want a second child
然而,最近北京行政学院的一项调查显示,那些已经到了生育年龄的独生子女中有52 %的人表示不愿意要第二个孩子,实际上她们是可以要两个小孩的。
Similar Words:
"表示不能" English translation, "表示不删" English translation, "表示不同意" English translation, "表示不愉快" English translation, "表示不愿" English translation, "表示不悦" English translation, "表示不赞成" English translation, "表示不知晓" English translation, "表示不重要的" English translation, "表示部分包括" English translation