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English translation for "行止"

[ xíngzhǐ ] 
1.(行踪) whereabouts 短语和例子
2.(行为) behaviour; conduct 短语和例子

Related Translations:
敬止:  keishi
止漏:  stanch
辇止:  kurumadome
止水性:  watertightness
止极性:  stopolarity
止马:  zhima
止动归止:  when you try to stoactivity to achieve passivity
止推:  thrust
止止吕美:  todoromitotoromi
止痉:  relieving convulsion and spasm
Example Sentences:
1.There are some shortcomings in one 's conduct .
2.His conduct has some shortcomings .
3.Walk like that . then you will be like that
4.They shall be my companio in solitude , for they will sit down and rise up with me in the amiable form of my l . .
5.They shall be my companions in solitude , for they will sit down and rise up with me in the amiable form of my l . .
6.Duke of venice . be it as you shall privately determine , either for her stay or going : the affair cries haste , and speed must answer it
7.The columnist mentioned at the beginning invites us , the church , to show a spirit of sacrifice by helping the children and we are most willing to do
8.The presupposition about the intellectual and the paradox between the words and actions of so - called intellectual in the text indicate that the novel is worldly wise and does not surpass any aesthetical dimensionality
9.The popular election of the european parliament greatly stimulated the community citizens ' readiness to participate in european affairs and also pushed the idea of a european citizenship into the european integration process
10.The controversy about the right of children on recognizance to receive schooling is growing more and more heated with an outstanding columnist of a chinese paper also entering the arena . unfortunately , the truth is not made more perspicuous because of that
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