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English translation for "行为税"

[ xíngwéishuì ]
act tax
action tax

Related Translations:
污染税:  pollution tax
使用税:  royaltiesroyaltysales and use taxuse taxes
周转税:  receipts taxturnover taxes
馈赠税:  gift tax
从业税:  self-employment tax
国境税:  border taxfrontier tax
国产税:  excise
死亡税:  death duty
支出税:  expenditure tax
专卖税:  monopoly tax
Example Sentences:
1.To refuse to declare when notified to do so by the taxing authorities , or declare falsely . considering the fact that in practice most conducts of crime of evading taxes take the account book as an object , the author adopts a special method of classifying taxes which , according to their different objects of taxation , divides the existing taxes into five groups : circulation tax , income tax , property tax , resource tax , conduct tax
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