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English translation for "结束讲话"

wind up a speech

Related Translations:
蒙代尔先生在讲话中引用了杜鲁门的话:  mr. mondale quoted from truman in his speech. recommend
结束定界符:  ed end delimiter
提前结束:  early termination
晚会结束:  the party is overthe party's over
结束部位:  closing a position
要结束:  close 1
作业结束:  end of jobend-of-job
结束程序:  termination routine
跑步结束:  running finished
宣告结束:  pack it in
Example Sentences:
1.The speaker wound up by thanking everyone for coming .
2.I told prof kramer after his talk that i found his remedies over - elaborate
3.In closing , i would like you to join me in a toast to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two countries , cheers
4.The visitors were given the highest seat of honor , and as soon as mr . walters speech was finished , he introduced them to the school
5.In closing , may i say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country . we are deeply grateful for what you have done for us
6.And thats my last word on the subject ; you know , the last the old prince concluded , in a tone that showed that nothing would compel him to alter his decision
7.Lastly , i would like to reaffirm the force strategy towards the media . we understand that the media face fierce competition in seeking information , therefore we are ready to make practical arrangements for them to facilitate their work as far as practicable
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