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English translation for "细分化"

market segmentation

Related Translations:
分化度:  degree of differentiation
异型分化:  allotypic differentiation
社会分化:  social differentiation
分化还原:  dedifferentiation
生理分化:  physiological differentiation
分化诱导:  induction
未分化:  indifferentiationundifferentiation
脱分化:  dedifferentiationdysdifferentiation
分化系数:  coefficient of differentiation
瀑分化:  organ differentiation
Example Sentences:
1.Market partition based on customer relationship management
2.Its tendency towards specialization is a specific feature of much smaller division in audience
3.Four generic business - level strategies : cost leadership , differentiation , focused cost leadership , and focused differentiation
4.The root lies in a deep break between modem and post - modem and a difficulty in reconcilability
5.And the focused differentiation strategy , means the goods or services are differentiated to serve the unique needs of particulare market segments
6.The correctness and validity of market segmentation method are directly related to the correctness and validity of design and manufacture of mc products
7.A differentiation strategy is an integrated set of actions designed to produce goods or services that customers perceive as being different in ways that are important to them
8.Segmentation of market requirements is the necessity of mc and the driving force of mc and has important direct function to the planning and modularization of product family
9.In addition , many enterprises will also search the internet search industry and enterprise search as a major means of profit , provide subdivision and well - targeted industries , and enterprises
10.In this article , the author applies the latest achievements in contemporary marketing theories , integrates the up - to - date experiences of practice in china ' s media circle , and comes out with many innovative ideas
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