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English translation for "等待信号"

waiting signal

Related Translations:
等待:  wait; await 短语和例子等待继承遗产 wait for dead men's shoes; wait for a dead man's shoes; 等待时机 await a favourable opportunity; wait for a chance; bide one's time; 他在等待机会。 he is waiting for his oppor
等待的:  holdingstandby
零等待:  zero latency
等待成本:  delay cost
等待指示:  fo for orders
请等待:  ms-dosplease wait
等待飞鱼:  fishing luck
等待处理:  waiting process
等待判决:  holding the whistle
等待泊位:  lay by berth
Example Sentences:
1.Wait to turn this on . the satellite ' s only good for the next 72 hours
2.Class allows threads to communicate with each other by signaling and by waiting for signals
3.Describes managed event wait handles , which are used to synchronize thread activities by signaling and waiting for signals
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