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English translation for "种植面积"

cultivated area
plant area
planting area

Related Translations:
种植机具:  sowing and planting machinery
种植草皮:  turf culture
种植深度:  planting depth
种植林:  plantation forest
啤酒花种植:  hopgrowing
种植位置:  planting location
种植土:  planting soilsoil for planting
种植家:  planters
直线种植:  straight row planting
种植人:  planter
Example Sentences:
1.Production of cowpeas grew by more than 250 percent during the 1970s, while the area planted expanded by almost 70 percent .
2.This year we have added10000hectares to our planted areas
3.Cotton acreage may also be extended wherever this is feasible
4.All of these advantages stimulate the rice area expanded unabatedly in liaoning
5.Any leaf tobacco purchasing contract shall specify the agreed area for leaf tobacco plantation
6.As a national high - grade apple base , luochuan has an annual output of 560 , 000 tons of apple
7.Nearly 30 % of the net gain in rice production came from varietal improvement
抗病虫害品种的种植面积提高了10 % ;优质品种的种植面积增加了50 % 。
8.It pays farmers an amount based on a set price for their crop and the number of hectares they have
9.The grand prairie is the fourth - largest rice - bowl in the world , with 363 , 000 acres under paddies
大草原有36 . 3万英亩的水稻种植面积,是全球第四大产粮地。
10.Irrigated land represents only 15 percent of global cropland but generates 40 percent of the crops
全世界只有15 %的种植面积是灌溉士地,却生产出40 %的作物。
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