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English translation for "睾丸甾酮"


Related Translations:
睾丸痛:  didymalgiadidymodyniaorchialgiaorchidalgiapain in the testicletestalgiatesticle pain
睾丸畸形:  anomaly of testis
睾丸破坏:  destruction of testis
双睾丸:  both testes
睾丸肥大:  orchidauxe
睾丸核酸:  testicular nucleic acid
睾丸梅毒:  syphilis of testissyphilisoftestis
移位睾丸:  displaced testis
睾丸移植:  testis transplantation
睾丸感觉:  testicular sensation
Example Sentences:
1.Testosterone is an androgen or male steroid hormone .
2.Testosterone is necessary for development , but can also have detrimental health effects
3.It has been shown , for example , to interfere with the body ' s immune response , so men who are able to maintain high levels of the hormone are typically strong and healthy ? traits women would want to pass on to their progeny
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