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English translation for "独岛"

liancourt rocks

Related Translations:
独幕:  one actone-act
独觉:  solitary enlightened one
阿独:  athok
独阳:  single yang
独脚金:  striga asiaticao.kuntze
独角莲:  giant typhonium herb
独脚兽:  unicorn
单身独妈:  weeds 107weeds the punishment lighter
独营权:  monopoly
独角芋:  common caladium tuber
Example Sentences:
1.Defend dokdo games - 4455 miniclip games
保卫独岛小游戏- 4399小游戏
2.Defend dokdo introduction
3.Penguin fight games
4.Defending the pl
5.Tok islet came into being as a volcanic action and consists of the east and west islets and the other rocky islets
6.The sheaf - sheet stamp carries the whole map of the eight provinces of korea in the early 18th century , the west and east islets of tok islet , the map of tok islet and the drawings of tok islets plants
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