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English translation for "熊熊燃烧"

continue violently

Related Translations:
熊熊:  flaming; ablaze; raging 短语和例子熊熊燃烧 blaze
火焰熊熊:  incendio
熊熊圣火:  fire prayer
熊熊大火:  conflagratiosroaring fire
熊熊篝火:  there burns the flame
熊熊圣炎:  fire prayer
熊熊火焰报:  live flame thelive flame, the
满腔仇火熊熊燃烧:  be filled with an intense hatred fueled by a burning anger
熊熊酒精一样总统女儿:  a raging alcoholic like the presidents daughters
火焰般的花朵在熊熊燃烧:  flaming flowers that brightly blazed
Example Sentences:
1.His limbs, his body, took fire and beat up in flames .
2.The elation of success, which surely now flamed high in osmond .
3.His hatred of you burns with a lurid flame-the flame that never dies .
4.The living room was ablaze. the fire centered on a broken jar on the floor .
5.The flare hit the conerete wall beside the door, burst and burned brightly on the coral road .
6.Instead of being liked, he was dead, a bleeding cinder on the barbarous fire pile .
7.The moon was at the full, and the scene was further illuminated by the fitful glare of several torches, stuck on the end of twelve-foot poles .
8.Fire was now crackling in front of al - drifa
9.Above the town , the fire was still blazing
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