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English translation for "熄灯号"

lights-out; taps

Related Translations:
熄灯:  douse the glimdouse the lightslights out
今晚熄灯:  hdian
舞台熄灯:  extinguishing of stage lights eg at the end of a scene
熄灯器:  extinguisherput-outer
熄灯信号:  tap
熄灯温度:  light-off temperature
伦敦熄灯:  lights out london
熄灯时间:  lights out
香港熄灯:  lights out hong kong
熄灯号音:  taps
Example Sentences:
1.Taps is also played at military burial grounds during memorial day ceremonies
2.The taps are blowing
3.Part of the tradition of american military funeral is the playing of a bugle call known as taps . taps is also played at military burial grounds during memorial day ceremonies
4.His first major role in taps originally consisted of one line , but the director was so taken with his performance that he decided to offer him the third biggest role in the movie
他的第一个重要角色是出演影片《熄灯号》 ,这本来是个只有一句台词的角色,但导演非常赏识他的表演,于是决定让他担任影片的第三主演。
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