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English translation for "济贫法"

old poor law
poor haw
poor law

Related Translations:
济贫:  help [relieve] the poor; give help to the poor; help [relieve] the people in distress◇济贫法 poor law; 济贫计划 poverty program
济贫计划:  poverty program
济贫院:  almshouseles hospicesworkhouse
济贫箱:  poor box
义举济贫:  relieve the poor for a good cause
新济贫:  new poor
济贫医院:  hospice hospital
新济贫法:  amendment billamendmentbillthe new poor law
济贫赈苦:  help the poor and destitute
济贫扶困:  give help to the poor, to those who are in need
Example Sentences:
1.Karl marx , a contemporary of the reformation of poor law , enlightened us with his insights in the problem of poverty , poor law , and factory laws
2.Based on the foundation of treating poor law , the school of oxford idealism and t . h . marshall ' s citizenship theory as transverse sections , this chapter makes a lengthways review of the historical development
它主要是以《济贫法》 ,牛津唯心主义学派,以及t . h .马歇尔的公民资格理论为横切面而作的一个纵向考察。
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