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English translation for "武装起义"


Related Translations:
起义的:  insurgent
武装:  1.(军事装备) arms; military equipment; battle outfit 短语和例子解除武装 disarm; 全副武装 (in) full battle gear; 起来进行武装斗争 up in arms2.(武装力量) armed forces 短语和例子武装夺取政权 seizure of power by armed forces; 人民武装 t
武装突袭:  armaarmed assault
武装带:  sam browne belt
武装随员:  galloglassgallowglass
武装冲突:  armed clasharmed conflictsclash of arms
武装匪帮:  armed bands
武装暴动:  armed riots
武装车辆:  armored vehicles
武装反抗:  rebellion
Example Sentences:
1.His followers were ready at his whistle to rise in arms
2.People in this area rose in arms to protect their rights in the old days
3.The period of tung meng hui ( the chinese revolutionary league ) was replete with armed insurrections , right up to the armed overthrow of the ching dynasty by the revolution of 1911
4.There is little evidence so far that he is organising an armed insurrection , though many kikuyus believe he has been complicit in the attacks against them in kisumu and elsewhere
5.In the great movement , sichuan students studying in japan had propagated continuously the fighting for the railway and then led and pushed forward the movement from a petition to an armed uprising , giving a heavy blow to the government of the qing dynasty and accelerating its destruction
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