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English translation for "标准化尺寸"

modular size

Related Translations:
标准化杂志:  standardization journal
地理标准化:  geographic standardization
比率标准化:  rate standardization
脉冲标准化:  pulse normalizationpulse standardization
会计标准化:  accounting standardizationstandardization of accounting
标准化组:  standardization group
标准化作用力:  normalized force
消毒剂标准化:  standardization of disinfectants
企业标准化:  enterprise standardization
内标准化:  internal standardization
Example Sentences:
1.A tiny electronic device with standardized dimensions ( usually fabricated using semiconductor techniques ) capable of performing one or more functions in a circuit
2.A tiny electronic device with standardized dimensions ( usually fabricated using semiconductor techniques ) capable of performing one or more functions in a circuit
3.In the end of the paper , the development of the software is introduced and an example for floating - end heat exchanger design is given to show the usefulness of the system and the effect . the method presented in this paper makes use of database to save and manage the standard sizes data and makes use of drawing libraries to save and manager the parts and assembly drawings . the theory of fixed patterns with flexible sizes is used to generate the parts and assembly drawings
Similar Words:
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