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English translation for "有江"


Related Translations:
:  名词1.(大河) (large) river 短语和例子在江心 in the middle of a river; 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。 a steel railway bridge spans the yalu river.2.(指长江) the changjiang [yangtze] river 短语和例子大江东去。 eastward flows the chan
满江江:  imbricate mosquito fern herb
Example Sentences:
1.So far , the new mode has been successfully taken by six pearl river delta ports namely jiangmen , shunde , nanhai , huangpu , foshan and zhongshan , and is expected to cover more ports in the near future
2.Our main product includes bus bar groove , industrial electric heater , switch ark , emulsification , acrylic fiber clothing article , silk spinning semi - finished article , plastic ware , rubber ware , instrument pipe fitting , valve and so on , our product covers more than 20 provinces
3.In the author ' s eyes , wuhan has a god - given advantage in the environment . as there are hills and water , lakes and river , emphasis should be on tree planting and water cleaning . although the city construction has reached a level , they should make it a point of making a consistent , long - term layout which can demonstrate the characteristic that wuhan is by the river and lakes and should also be identical with the specialties of individual administration districts
Similar Words:
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