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English translation for "摇啊摇"

diddle diddle dumpling

Related Translations:
要是我们有一辆车多好啊:  i wish you a very happy future
摇转损失:  cranking loss
摇一摇:  shake it offshake shake
摇摇乐:  the hokey-pokeyyoyo
谐摇:  resonance oscillation
摇纱:  reeling
摇桩:  vibrant pile
摇轴:  rocking shaftrockshaft
振摇:  joltpendulateshake
翘摇:  trifolium
Example Sentences:
1.“ rock me baby , rock me all night long
摇啊摇,摇我这个小宝宝,一夜到天亮。 ”
2.Oh , you ' re gonna see her sheba shimmy shake
3.It ' s getting wavier and wavier and we . .
波浪摇啊摇啊,我们。 。
4.It ' s getting wavier and wavier and we
波浪摇啊摇啊,我们。 。
5.Rock - a - bye baby , on the treetop . .
摇啊摇,宝宝坐树梢. .
6.Rock - a - bye grimmies on the treetop
7.Rock - a - bye grimmies on the treetop
8.Rock - a - bye baby , on the treetop
9.Zhang is generally considered one of china ' s two great directors ( kaige chen being the other ) , as “ ju dou , “ “ raise the red lantern “ and “ shanghai triad “ have proved
如《菊豆》 、 《大红灯笼高高挂》和《摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥》所证明的,张被公认为是中国最优秀的两位导演之一(另一位是陈凯歌) 。
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