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English translation for "技术业"

Example Sentences:
1.Yes , so i understand . how did you get into it
2.B yes , so i understand . how did you get into it
3.Even though american exports to china now are at an all - time high , so , too , is our trade deficit
4.Even judged by the blistering speed of information technology industry change , india ' s achievement is astonishing
5.Popularize and popularize this technology , accelerate specialization scale of the relevant enterprise , will impel the development and growth of the trenchless technology industry
6.Secondly , choose foodstuff industry listed companies and information technology industry listed companies to make a comparison study on financial feature factors that influence capital structures , using the factor analysis method
7.This paper examine the relation between firm value ( market - book ratio ) and equity structure based on a sample of 33 listed companies in information technology industry , the results show that there is no significant relation between firm value and equity structure
8.The study chooses foodstuff industry , textile industry , drug products industry , transportation industry , information technology industry and estate industry ( there are totally 283 listed companies in these six kind of industries ) , based on the financing data of the year of 2001 . firstly , utilizing the one - way analysis of variance method to analyze if trade factor influence capital structure
9.Generally , the more the earnings are , the better the cash condition is , the more the cash dividends are ; the more heavy the burden of indebtedness is , the less the cash dividends are . in order to compare different trades , four industries are chosen as samples and the same methods are used . it turns out that the four trades are of difference from the aspect of influencing factors
为了比较不同行业影响现金股利分配的因素是否相同,笔者又选择了2000 ? 2002年度期间电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业、批发和零售贸易业、信息技术业以及石油、化学、塑胶及塑料业四个行业作为样本,采取前述同样的方法进行分析,研究结果表明:四个行业的影响因素是不完全相同的,但盈利能力、现金状况和负债情况几乎影响了各个行业,西南农业大学硕士学位论文是最重要的因素
10.Which can reflect the value of a firm much better and which has more information content ? so , we need to test it . in reality , because of different competitiveness position in different sectors , the existing business growth opportunities show obvious earning - risk difference , as well as return on investment
本文从信息相关的角度,选择具有代表性的三个行业(竞争较为激烈的电子行业、朝阳产业中的信息技术业和垄断性较强的公共事业行业) ,运用关联研究法对会计信息相对于不同行业的价值相关性进行比较分析。
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