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English translation for "恶人当道"

the evildoers are now in power

Related Translations:
当道:  1.(路中间) blocking the way 短语和例子站在当道 stand in the way2.(掌权的大官) an official in power
恶人:  evil person; vile creature; villain 短语和例子他看起来不像一个恶人。 he did not look like a evil person
当道的:  in the way
矮子当道:  get shorty
鸿运当道:  good luck
奸臣当道:  the evil governors ruled the state
黑道当道:  get shorty
坏人当道:  the bad persons were in power.; evildoers hold sway.: 坏人当道, 好人受气 bad elements hold sway while good people are pushed around.; the bad eggs wielded power while the good people were oppresse
矮子当道续集:  be cool
大鱼当道:  big fish
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