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English translation for "恳谈"

[ kěntán ] 
have a frank discussion

Related Translations:
恳谈会:  can meetinginformal meetingtalkfest
日本日中往来恳谈会:  japan-china exchange council of japan
韩中议员恳谈会:  rok china forum of rok parliamentrok-china forum of rok parliamentrok_china forum of rok parliament
日本中国政治经济恳谈会:  forum on china's politics and economy
Example Sentences:
1.Sharing session for principals , parents , teachers and alumni of catholic schools
2.Most companies have many rounds of interview , ranging from the cordial to the aggressive
3.2004 2 9 sharing session for principals , parents , teachers and alumni of catholic schools : bishop zen s remarks
2004 2 9天主教学校校长家长教师旧生恳谈会上陈日君主教的一席话
4.2003 international seascape city news conference and owner forum was held in golden bay conference hall on jan . 19 , 2003
5.Committee members also had in - depth discussions with front - line teachers and alumni who had expressed special concern about particular aspects of the draft report
6.Now , with her life transformed , she helps people with mental health problems to find work , and lectures at health department workshops
7.Speech by the secretary for commerce , industry and technology , mr john tsang , at the cable and satellite broadcasting association of asia casbaa convention 2003 on october 29 , 2003
8.Speech by the secretary for commerce , industry and technology , mr john tsang , at the cable and satellite broadcasting association of asia ( casbaa ) convention 2003 on october 29 , 2003
工商及科技局常任秘书长(工商)俞宗怡出席无锡香港( C E P A )经贸合作恳谈会的致辞全文(十月二十一日)
9.Taozhu thought the ways of the ideological and political work were various . lt mainly concluded speech , report , meeting , symposmm , discussion , newspaper , commumcation , broadcast , movie , drama , literary and artistic creation etc . taozhu also emphasized that the ideological and political work should adopt ways of opening hearts , talking earnestly , critisizing and educating instead of struggling
Similar Words:
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