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English translation for "就业保障"

employment security

Related Translations:
就业经验:  employment history
隐形就业:  hidden employmentunregistered employment; veiled re-employment
就业水准:  level of employment
公平就业:  fair employment
提供就业:  employment creation
充分就业:  full employment
境外就业:  be employed abroad
就业渠道:  employment channel
就业计划:  employment scheme
就业办公室:  placement office
Example Sentences:
1.Trade union and employment guarantee
2.The employment problem of the disabled and thinking on the policy of employment security
3.The number one concern that we have is making sure that we are creating the conditions for job creation and job security in our country which means economic growth in our country
4.The provide for the aged of worker of general original state - owend enterprise is by unit provide for the aged annuity turns for social security of danger of basic provide for the aged , it is to follow length of service to have bigger concern commonly so , your circumstance should be accorded with , if consider the policy related thorough knowledge , the bureau of safeguard of labor obtain employment that suggests you reach place , affirmative meeting gives you a satisfactory answer over there
5.The essential sense is dissolve the employees ’ dependence to the state - owned enterprises by receiving some economic compensation and enables them to give up employment guarantee that originally undertaken by the government and turn unlimited responsibility and life - long labour relationship into new - style labour relationship that adapts market economy
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