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English translation for "就业、利息和货币通论"

general theory of employment interest and money

Related Translations:
西方美学通论:  a general survey of western aesthetics
就业经验:  employment history
隐形就业:  hidden employmentunregistered employment; veiled re-employment
就业水准:  level of employment
公平就业:  fair employment
提供就业:  employment creation
充分就业:  full employment
境外就业:  be employed abroad
就业渠道:  employment channel
就业计划:  employment scheme
Example Sentences:
1.Indeed, keynes himself put forth his idea in a book called the general theory of employment, interest, and money .
2.Employment , interest and general survey of currency which is keynes ' representative works brought about a so - called " keynes revolutionary " in west economics
摘要凯恩斯的代表作《就业、利息和货币通论》在西方经济学上引发了一场所谓“凯恩斯革命” 。
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