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English translation for "宪制安排"

constitutional arrangement

Related Translations:
宪制:  constitutional; [书面语] constitutional government 短语和例子宪制安排 constitutional arrangement; 宪制文件 constitutional instrument
宪制文件:  constitutional instrument
宪制事务部:  department for constitutional affairs
规划安排:  lay 1
安排角色:  arrangement
停火安排:  cease-fire arrangements
视图安排:  view arangement
套汇安排:  hedging arrangement
上市安排:  listing arrangement
安排行:  arranger
Example Sentences:
1.As a special administrative region , hong kong enjoys the power of final adjudication - a unique constitutional arrangement
2.Certain constitutional arrangements do make the process of achieving accountability a more spirited , and possibly more challenging , one
3.This institutes a new constitutional arrangement necessitated by the resumption of the exercising of sovereignty , while preserving the common law tradition of hong kong .
4.This institutes a new constitutional arrangement necessitated by the resumption of the exercising of sovereignty , while preserving the common law tradition of hong kong .
5.The government respects and upholds judicial independence , and acts in accordance with the rulings of the court of final appeal and the lower courts
Similar Words:
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